class Quartz::EventSet


EventSet represents the pending event set and encompasses all future events scheduled to occur.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Reference

==(other : Quartz::Any) ==

Instance methods inherited from class Object

===(other : Quartz::Any) ===

Constructor Detail

def : TimePoint = : self #

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def : Symbol, current_time : TimePoint = #

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Instance Method Detail

def advance : TimePoint #

Advance the current time up to the next planned event.

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def advance(until t : TimePoint) : TimePoint #

Advance the current time until it reaches the given time point.

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def advance(by duration : Duration) : TimePoint #

Advance the current time up to the specified planned duration using a multiscale time advancement.

Raises if the current time advances beyond the imminent events.

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def cancel_event(event : Schedulable) : Schedulable? #

Cancel the specified event.

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def clear #

Clears self.

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def current_time : TimePoint #

Returns the current time associated with the event set.

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def current_time=(current_time : TimePoint) #

Returns the current time associated with the event set.

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def duration_of(event : Schedulable) : Duration #

Returns the planned duration after which the specified event will occur.

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def each_imminent_event(&) #

Deletes and yields each imminent simultaneous event.

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def empty? : Bool #

Whether the event set is empty.

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def imminent_duration : Duration #

Returns the planned Duration associated with the future imminent events to occur, or Duration::INFINIY if self is empty.

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def inspect(io) #

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def plan_event(event : Schedulable, duration : Duration) #

Schedules a future event at a given planned duration.

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def pop_imminent_event : Schedulable #

Deletes and returns the next imminent event to occur.

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def pop_imminent_events : Array(Schedulable) #

Deletes and returns all imminent simultaneous events.

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def priority_queue : Quartz::PriorityQueue(Schedulable) #

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def size #

Returns the number of scheduled events.

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