class Quartz::Verifiers::PresenceChecker

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Quartz::Verifiers::EachChecker

allow_nil? : Bool allow_nil?, attributes : Array(Symbol) attributes, check(model) : Bool check, check_each(model, attribute, value) check_each

Constructor methods inherited from class Quartz::Verifiers::EachChecker

new(*attributes : Symbol, **kwargs) new

Instance methods inherited from class Quartz::Verifiers::RuntimeChecker

check(model) : Bool check, contexts : Array(Symbol)? contexts, strict? : Bool strict?

Constructor methods inherited from class Quartz::Verifiers::RuntimeChecker

new(**kwargs) new

Instance methods inherited from class Reference

==(other : Quartz::Any) ==

Instance methods inherited from class Object

===(other : Quartz::Any) ===

Instance Method Detail

def check_each(model, attribute, value) #
Description copied from class Quartz::Verifiers::EachChecker

Override this method in subclasses with the verification logic, adding errors to the records errors array where necessary.

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