abstract class Quartz::PriorityQueue(T)


A PriorityQueue is the base class to implement a planning strategy for all future events to be evaluated. Events should be dequeued in a strict order of precedence, according to their associated priority.

The priority is represented by the Duration data type, which represent a planned phase, an offset from the beginning of the current epoch relative to the current simulated time.

It is internally used by the pending event set EventSet.

Direct Known Subclasses

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Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Reference

==(other : Quartz::Any) ==

Instance methods inherited from class Object

===(other : Quartz::Any) ===

Constructor Detail

def self.new(priority_queue : Symbol, &comparator : Duration, Duration, Bool -> Int32) : self #

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def self.new(&) #

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Instance Method Detail

abstract def clear #

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abstract def delete(priority : Duration, value : T) : T? #

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abstract def empty? : Bool #

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abstract def next_priority : Duration #

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abstract def peek : T #

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abstract def peek? : T? #

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abstract def pop : T #

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def pop_imminents(&) #

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abstract def push(priority : Duration, value : T) #

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abstract def size : Int #

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